I know why the caged bird sings.
He sings because of useless wings
That though God gave him to use to fly
Now sits alone as the world goes by
-And sings to endless bickering.
I know why the caged bird sings.
Do you hear the haunting melody?
It sings of regret, remorse, and hope
That one day he might again elope
Away from the chains of sins and scars
And once again see the stars
Of a life that is lived in honesty.
I know why the caged bird sings.
It is not for amusement, for glory, for pride,
But rather the embodiment of deepest sighs
It is not for amusement, for glory, for pride,
But rather the embodiment of deepest sighs
That longs to somehow make wrongs right
Though the end is bleak and deepest night.
The caged bird sings in prayerful hope
That dawn will once more unfurl its robe
O how I long for those forgiving rays!
The glory of the Almighty - the Ancient of Days.
For now - a banished, lonely waif
Who can only long for glorious grace
Amidst a life most tainted within
A soul that's committed most unpardonable sins.
I know why the caged bird sings.