During the last few days, I've had this video stuck in my head. It's the testimony of a man named Zac Smith - a 33 year old male, husband of 11 years, father of 3 kids, battler of Stage IV, terminal colon cancer, and a lover of the Almighty God. He shared his story of how suddenly the cancer came up, the emotional and spiritual agony, the months of chemotherapy, and the one month remission. He told of how the cancer had spread when he went back for his scan, the terminal diagnosis, and the understanding of how good God is in all things. He said that he wanted this video to be a testimony that whether he lived or died, whether he was healed, or whether he had just had his last Christmas with his family, he wanted declare that God is still God, and God is still Good. 

That video has stayed with me so strongly this past year. The faith that this man showed was so similar to that of Job, a man perfect in his ways before the LORD. He was a man who, when tragedy struck, said "Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and not receive evil?" (Job 2:10). It was this servant that proclaimed "the LORD gives, and the LORD taketh away, blessed be the name of the LORD" (Job 1:21), after his children, his wealth, his friends, and his health, were all taken from him. It was this righteous man, whom, though he knew he had done no wrong, he declared before his coming saviour, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust him" (Job 13:15).    

It made me write this note in my Bible (which I had also forgotten that I had written until I watched the video again).

Mindset of the Christian Life:

"Whether I live or whether I die, God is still God, and God is still good. Whether I suffer or am happy, God is still God, and God is still good. Whether in sickness or health, times of confusion or faith, His peace and love pass all understanding because we are secure in an omnipotent, sovereign God, with whom catches by surprise, and nothing can take us from His hand. In all things, God is still God, and God is still good - Blessed be the name of the LORD".

May my life, death, faith, love, and joy reflect this strong confidence in God. So that, when it comes to trials and tragedy, I too can announce - "Blessed be the name of the LORD!"


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