Soundtrack music (and much more specifically, fantasy movies soundtrack music) seems to create their own environment of a truer, more robust world unlike anything I've ever experienced here in the mundane. The music seems to take themes and ideas that one can identify with, and purifies them; makes them realer, fuller, truer. It's a tangible ideal that touches on the soul's graving for something more - the inborn and inbred hope of greater ideals made real to us for 110 minutes (the average movie time according to Can you resist the call? Do you want to? 

I so often find myself desiring to fling out my arms, catch the wind, and fly away, free of problems I am only now beginning to face. Could this be what heaven is? Could the lilting strains of violin that caresses one's ears, really be touching more deeply to one's soul, by fulfilling, for a moment, the longing to live in a perfect world, a realer one, with purer thoughts and emotions, brighter colours, deeper desires, truer sentiments, and more clearly defined rights and wrongs?

I hope so. I long so. LORD, may your day fast approach so that we may truly know what it means to live.